How Are Your HVAC Habits Affecting Your Wallet?
No matter what the climate outside in Fort Lauderdale, the temperature inside your home decides how comfortable your family will be. Find the right temp and your home will seem like a comfortable escape from it all. But if your heating and cooling system isn’t functioning the way it should, you’ll recognize it. And it won’t be fun.
Get ready for an in-depth look at the manner you’re using your home comfort system. It could make the difference between a solid system or a poor performer. Start this short quiz from Service Experts Heating & Air Conditioning to figure out where you stand.
- Hotter days are right around the corner in Fort Lauderdale. How do you prepare your air conditioner?
- Swap out the HVAC filter and dust the vents. Then it’s ready to go.
- Make an appointment with the pros for seasonal maintenance.
- Nothing at all. It will probably be fine.
- You’re hosting an event on a summer night, but the AC isn’t doing anything. What’s your first step?
- Advise my visitors to bring iced beverages.
- Schedule an emergency repair to get it functioning before anyone arrives.
- Start my fans and pray for a cool breeze.
- Your current HVAC is aging. What’s your plan when it’s time for a replacement?
- Allow my contractor to select one and finance it with a credit card.
- Save worries and bills by selecting a monthly home comfort subscription.
- Select the most intricate system available in Fort Lauderdale.
- When you open your next monthly power bill, what do you anticipate you’ll discover?
- It will have a hefty price tag. My heating and cooling costs have been climbing.
- It will be close to the expenses for the same month last year.
- I can’t be sure until I see it. Some bills aren’t bad, but others are shocking.
- Your home comfort system is making a funny noise. What’s your next step?
- Grab my toolbox and spend a weekend attempting to fix it.
- Get a qualified technician to take a look.
- Block it out and wait until it stops.
Now add up your results. If you picked mostly Bs, your home comfort habits are right on track. You’re taking care of your machine and you have a plan for the future. But if you answered any of these scenarios with As or Cs, you should make a few changes to help your equipment perform better. Keep reading to find out how.
Useful HVAC Habits to Help Protect Your Home
Schedule Yearly Maintenance While switching out your air filter and dusting your vents are critical tasks to ready your HVAC for a season change, a professional maintenance appointment is critical to wrap up the process. During a maintenance visit, your HVAC technician will complete a series of tasks that maximize the energy efficiency professional will keep an eye out for more urgent complications for your equipment. That could save you an expensive breakdown in the future.
Select a heating and cooling company that offers emergency repairs. Even carefully maintained heating and cooling systems can have problems periodically. And it always seems to hit at the most inconvenient times. A company with 24/7 emergency service can save you the headache and distress. The Service Experts Advantage Program affords that crucial service to customers at no additional cost.
Create a plan for your HVAC system upgrade. Well-maintained heating and cooling systems can function for 10 to 15 years, but they won’t last forever. Make a strategy now to evade last-minute pressure when your equipment takes its last bow. The Service Experts Advantage Program™ can be useful. It gives you a new high-efficiency heating and cooling system with no up-front expenses. And as an added bonus, the program also has free maintenance and repairs.
Keep track of your monthly energy bills and don’t ignore it when they greatly change. Your power bills can present more than your monthly costs. If you’re noticing a regular increase in your bills but no difference in home comfort, something is likely occurring with your system. A new high-efficiency system can give you peace of mind with more stable energy usage—and that means fewer unknown amounts on your bill.
Act when you notice a weird noise from your heating and cooling system. That noise is more than irritating. It demonstrates something is wrong with your system. Even if it’s a seemingly small trouble, left alone it could make for a high-priced repair later on. Don’t try to correct it yourself. Leave it to the Experts to check out and fix it.
Your home comfort system can cost you quite a lot when you don’t maintain it. If you use these tips, you could save time, extra costs and disappointment. And if your HVAC just isn’t doing its job anymore, consider selecting one through the Service Experts Advantage Program. It can help you get a new energy-efficient system with no up-front costs and free maintenance and repairs.
To find out more, give us a call or book an appointment online. We’re happy to help!